Copyright 2008-2025: JMThrasher TheFUN® Browser
TheFUN® Browser is a multi-screen web browser developed for saving missing and abducted children and prevent human trafficking ( Program & Program built inside) and made to work with windows platforms XP and up.
As of January 2025, after much stress, I have stopped developing it due to windows disabling parts of it. Request for support and changes via email went unanswered.
Oddly, the faults with windows started after I would not sell out to them.
So... I lost 40,000+ man hours of work, $1.2M in money and unpaid time becasue of it, I will now move forward without them. maybe you should consider it too. Chromebooks and android tablets work great!
TheFUN® is now only:
TheFUN® All rights reserved, including: TheFUN® Browser and the look and feel. Which seens to have been copied by Microsoft. Just turn the new 2024 MS browser on it's side and see the 2008 Version of TheFUN®.
My name is J. Michael Thrasher. Creator and all around "Crazy Bastard".
One would have to be a "CB" to work with no pay for 20 years to save people he would never meet.
I learned my tech skills in the US Military serving 20 years and retiring with honor.